Eviatar Zerubavel, Hidden in Plain Sight!

A Word Search Puzzle in Honor of Eviatar’s (Eventual) Retirement


Find the titles of Eviatar’s 13 sole-authored books in the puzzle.  There are no spaces between title words, i.e., “The Fine Line” appears as “TheFineLine”.  Titles can go in any direction:  left to right, right to left, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.  Titles can share letters as they cross over each other.  Once you’ve finished, scroll down on this page to see the answers!


AncestorsAndRelatives TheClockworkMuse TheElephantInTheRoom
TheFineLine            GenerallySpeaking HiddenInPlainSight
HiddenRhythms PatternsOfTimeInHospitalLife            TheSevenDayCircle
SocialMindscapes TakenForGranted TerraCognita TimeMaps


Scroll down to see the answers!


Answer key:

Answer key to a word search puzzle